Monday, February 21, 2011

Library Update from Frank Freeman

I have added two new books to the library. The newer one is medical Ethics by Richard
A. McCormick. The title is, Health and Medicine in the Catholic Tradition. Subtitled,
Tradition in Transition. The moral theology department of Creighton University, Omaha,
Nebraska singles out McCormick. See Tod Salzman at Creighton U. and look under

The best thing about McCormick is that he writes an American English. There are very
organic, very meaty examples taken from life. Those examples can bring us up short,
as when McCormick takes us inside a heroin addict house in New York City. Or goes
into a cancer ward with the famous Alexander Solzhenitzen. Or he drops a line about
a friend who went insane. Was anything worth that? McCormick asks us why? do we
really believe that these self-ruined people are God’s special creation? Is this really His
way of revealing? We can’t know. But until we ask this unanswerable question the rest
makes no sense at all.

McCormick is very careful to identify his own position: he features himself as “the radical
middle,” an identity that he acknowledges could be arrogant. The book is a great read.
No harm in skipping to the last chapter on abortion and sexual ethics. It is the best part.
Not to mention the great footnotes. A tour de force, McCormick spells out his opinions
and our options. ... really! It is a book that can fully reward a fifteen minute quick-skim
read. Then, dare you to put it down.

The other is the 1963, essays on The Renewal of the Liturgy. Skip to the last one, The
Future, its Hopes and Difficulties, for a frank and open discussion of the obstacles.

Not to be outdone, there is a reflection posted. By me.

Egypt and the Arab world are one the edge of a cultural explosion. Some of it, at

least, was anticipated by Egypt’s Nobel Laureate. Naguib Mahfouz. Many Arabic
speaking people grew up with his novels and the movies made from them. His Nobel
Laureate Address is recommended for a fresh insight into the world view of an Arabic

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Job Opportunity

Barry-Wehmiller, a large, well-respected comapny in Clayton, has a full-time job opening. A big part of this person’s role will be helping project managers handle more by doing a lot of the adminstrative and technological legwork. The technology portion has the potential to be intriguing, but a lot of what this person does will be helping our team function like a well-oiled machine. The ideal applicant is someone who has been in an administrative role and is looking for a similar, but more challenging role. Please e-mail Jamey if interested at

Friday, February 4, 2011

Job Opportunity (Summer)

Two jobs from the New Sector Alliance

New Sector Summer Fellow
Join New Sector for a summer experience in social enterprise! Spend 11 weeks on a capacity-building project at a nonprofit in Boston or San Francisco, while you learn about the social sector and
nonprofit management through New Sector's Social Change Leadership Curriculum. Read more here. The official deadline is February 4th. Pass it on or apply yourself -

New Sector Resident in Social Enterprise
Are you passionate about creating positive social change? Interested in nonprofit management, capacity-building, or social enterprise? Do you know anyone who'd be interested in New Sector's year-long AmeriCorps program? We are opening a small second round of applications, and the deadline is March 1st. Pass it on or apply yourself -

Applications due on February 11 at the latest.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Job Seeker: Work with Children and/or Immigrants

A recent graduate from the University of Notre Dame is looking for a position in the social work field where she can work closely with children and/or immigrants in St. Louis. Rachel is fluent in Spanish and is passionate about social justice.

If you're interested in connecting with Rachel about a job or networking opportunities, please contact Jamey at