Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Job Seeker

An active CSC grad student is looking for a temporary summer job within the following possibilities: Art Therapist, Counselor, Higher Education Student Affairs.

Please contact Jamey at stegmaier@washucsc.org to get in touch with this student.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Job Opportunity

Two former community members are looking for an intern for the January/February 2012 course, Beyond the Biologic Basis of Disease, an annual four-week social medicine course designed for medical students in their clinical years. Linking clinical tropical medicine with social medicine, the course merges a number of unique pedagogical approaches including field visits, classroom based presentations and discussions, group reflections, student presentations on previous international work, films, patient clerking and presentations, and bedside teaching.

The position would be from January 9 to February 3, 2012. If interested, please send resume and cover letter of interest to Michael Westerhaus and Amy Finnegan at social.medicine@yahoo.com by July 1, 2011.

Graduation Day!