Saturday, April 11, 2009


Naked He stood stripped on the cold marble floor of Pilate's Praetorium. Surrounded, a garrison of soldiers mocked, spat and crowned Him with thorns. "Crucify Him, Crucify Him!" echoed into the chamber.

Alone, Jesus' heart had to have been racing and chest heaving. Refusing to deny who He was, Jesus responded to His accusers final temptations with silence. (A peek into the third beatitude: meek)

These austere circumstances are revealing. Through this gauntlet, with only faith, trust and love, Jesus carved the eye of a needle He needed to pass through to enter His Kingdom and our Salvation.

Maybe this final stripping of Jesus shows God knows how painful it can be as the world strips its assets, our idols, back from us (think stock market, etc.). And Jesus' path will be the one we take into His Kingdom. The world inevitably disappoints and betrays, leaving you rejected and alone. And that's the good news!

The intent is never suffering for suffering sake.

On the other side, God's peace awaits... the one that surpasses understanding, un-burdens, un-worries, and makes life worth living. It's the peace that teaches you to love in spite of, during and even because of suffering.

Redeemed, there's a thrill of hope and a weary soul rejoices. Nothing of this world will give it to you; and nothing can take it away. Not even a garrison of soldiers.

1 comment:

  1. Very moving. Good insight and feeling.
    Keep writing Nick.
