Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Your Vision of the CSC

Last week, the CSC hosted its first-ever (to my knowledge) visioning day (which was actually two days). The event was led by the CSC's consultant, John Flynn, and his assistant, Jody Schrandt, and was attended by over 40 community members, parents, students, alumni, staff, clergy, and Wash U faculty. Through lectures, discussions, and brainstorming sessions, the group determined that the following five areas are the most important for the CSC to consider as it moves forward:

1. Build relationship between students and non-student community
2. Help new graduates transition to other communities
3. Create a residential community
4. Strong Leadership Team and Succession Planning
5. Catholic Intellectual Thought and Theology Courses

I collected a few thoughts from those in attendance that I wanted to share on this site. These are just random quotes that stood out:
  • One person said that her experience with the CSC during college "filled a need I didn't know I had."
  • A staff member noted that many students today have faith because it's useful to them: they labeled it "moralistic therapeutic deism"
  • Another staff member, citing several surveys, said that young adults today are most attracted to humility from those in power
  • One community member said that one goal they'd like to see achieved is that student continue to make the CSC their own, and that the CSC stay open enough for students to do that.
  • As noted in point 4 above, succession planning was a major objective from many in attendance. Several people noted the importance of the community members and students having more of a connection to the CSC as a place than specifically to Fr. Gary.
  • Someone said this really well: The CSC has no agenda other than to love students. I think that says it all.

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