Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Managing Faith: Walking with a Purpose

I have the bad habit of walking with a purpose. The "purpose" being to get where I am going. Perhaps you've seen me rush through the halls of the CSC like an automaton. Head down, neck straining forward, turning corners in quick, precise hip swivels...I acknowledge people, yes, but it's clear that I'm going somewhere, and I don't want to be stopped.

Is this hospitable? No, not at all. I became conscious of this the other day when I was reading a book about customer service. I came upon a passage in the book that made me stop and reconsider the way I walk at work.

"Always remember the 10-4 Rule: Make eye contact within 10 feet of a customer; greet him or her verbally within 4 feet."

It's a simple rule, but it's a brilliant reminder of way to make a person--not just a customer--feel welcomed and acknowledged.

It's a work in progress for me to actually live by the 10-4 Rule, as I'm a bit shy, and sometimes I forget why I'm walking from one place to another (ever end up in a room and wonder why you needed to be in that room?). But I'm working on it. So if you see me within 10 feet and I haven't made eye contact or I get even closer and I haven't greeted you, remind me of the 10-4 Rule.

Give it a try yourself. Even just for one day, try to make eye contact with people as you're walking back from class or walking from office to office. You'd be surprised at how many people don't look up from their feet as they walk or do everything humanely possible not to make eye contact. But the few that do will feel welcomed in your presence as you pass. You'll be walking in the footsteps of Jesus, as I'm sure that's how he walked.

Walk with a purpose. The purpose of welcoming.

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