Monday, September 27, 2010

The Rose

The other day I was grocery shopping at Schnucks when I spotted a CSC community member walking in the opposite direction. I was on the phone, so we quickly shook hands and moved on, but not before I noticed that he was carrying a single longstem rose.

Now, I cannot presume to know who the rose was for, but I have a hunch that it was for his wife of 2 years. This gesture struck a chord with me--it showed me that he wasn't being complacent in his marriage. He was doing the little things to show his wife that he loves her now just as much as he loved her on the day of their marriage.

I think this applies really well not just to our family and friends, but also to our relationship with Jesus. Sometimes we can be complacent about the way we live spiritually, morally, ethically, lovingly. And maybe we snap out of that complacency with a grand gesture--a big donation or a day of service with the poor or a trip to Haiti.

But let's not forget the little roses of our lives. The small gestures--smiling at those around you, holding the door open for the person behind you, giving your waiter a break when he spills a drink.

What rose will you give today?

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